Zhang Lab



The central goal of Zhang lab in Beijing Normal University is the pursuit of controllable functionalities in oxides and related structures at nanoscale. Our research highly focuses on the artificial design of oxide-based building blocks (interface, domain walls, phase boundaries), especially in ferroic/multi-ferroic materials.

We study the emerging phenomena and exotic physical behaviors behind the coupling and control of multiple order parameters (e.g. lattice, spin, orbital, charges) at a reduced dimension. We also strive to create a bridge between those fundamentally scientific discoveries in functional nano-systems and future possible applications such as sensing, actuation, data storage, energy conversion, etc.


Funding support:


Congratulations to Yuelin Zhang's acdemic position in Beijing Normal University


Congratulations to Xin Liu,his resent work about discovery of Magnetoelectric phase transition driven by interfacial-engineered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction has been published on the journal of Nature Communications.


Congratulations to Yuelin Zhang,his resent work about discovery of Strain-driven Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction for room-temperature magnetic skyrmions has been published on the journal of Physical Review Letters.


Congratulations on Post-doc Shizhe Wu's new faculty position in Tiangong University.

Address:Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, No.19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China.

Postal Code: 100875, ---------Tel:(+86)010-58801886, ---------Email: jxzhang@bnu.edu.cn

All rights reserved, Updated: 2023-11-1